by Camille Moore
Born and raised in Lebanon, Razane Jammal probably never guessed that her name and face would one day be known to people all over the world. But after more than a decade in the entertainment industry, that’s exactly what happened. Best known for the work she’s done as an actress, some of her most noteworthy credits include Doubt and Paranormal. Recently, it was announced that she was cast in the upcoming Netflix series The Sandman which is based on the DC Comics character. The opportunity has the potential to take Razane’s career to new heights, and her fans are really looking forward to seeing what she can do. Keep reading to learn 10 things you didn’t know about Razane Jammal.
1. She Worked With Kanye West
Issues in her personal life aside, Kanye West is one of the most highly respected people in the music industry. His creative vision has resulted in dozens of hits and Razane will always be able to say that she got the chance to work with him. She appeared in his 2012 short film, Cruel Summer. The project premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.
2. She Is A Model
Acting is what has gotten Razane the most attention in recent years, but she’s also had a successful modeling career. She has gotten some major opportunities over the years and was the face of Chanel in the Middle East. During an interview with Fustany, she shared that she was honored to work with the well-known fashion brand.
3. She Loves To Disconnect Every Once In A While
Working in the entertainment industry can be overwhelming, and lots of celebrities probably feel like there’s no escape. On top of that, people are often discouraged from taking breaks. Razane, however, understands the importance of doing what she needs to do to take care of herself. When Razane wants to clear her head and get away for a while, she has no problem disconnecting from the internet and focusing on things going on in real life.
4. She Is A Singer
Acting and modeling aren’t the only things Razane has been focusing on over the years. Music is also something she’s always been passionate about. She is a talented singer who has released some music of her own. It’s unclear if she has plans to put out a full-length project.
5. She Loves To Travel
In addition to having lived in Lebanon and England, Razane has gotten the chance to travel all over the world. She loves visiting new places and learning about different cultures. Some of the destinations she’s been to include Tanzania, Sri Lanka, and Nicaragua.
6. She Likes Challenging Roles
There are lots of actors who have specifics types of roles they hope to play at some point in their career. Razane, however, wants to play as many different roles as she possibly can. One thing she does want from every role, though, is for it to be a challenge. She is always looking to grow as an actress and she loves being in situations that allow her to do that.
7. She Was Trained In The Meisner Technique
There are lots of different ways to approach acting, and The Meisner Technique is one of the most famous. Razane has been trained in the technique which “involves three main components that work hand in hand: emotional preparation, repetition, and improvisation.”
8. She Always Shows Her Fans Love
A solid fan base is a must for anyone who works in the entertainment industry. Razane has been blessed to have lots of fans around the world and she’s never taken that for granted. Razane loves to show her fans how much she appreciates them. She has an entire highlight section on her Instagram profile dedicated to her fans and she often uses it to share photos of fan art.
9. She Deals With Anxiety
In recent years, many people have started to get more open about mental health, and Razane is one of them. In a Q&A on Instagram, she shared that she had taken a break from social media to deal with her anxiety. She didn’t go into any additional detail on what she was dealing with.
10. She Likes To Draw
As a creative person, Razane loves anything that allows her to express herself. Recently, she has gotten into drawing and she enrolled herself in painting and illustration classes. Not only are visual arts a great way for her to share more of her creative side, but it’s also a nice way for her to relax and release some stress.
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Camille Moore
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Camille has a master's degree from Saint Joseph University's Writing Studies program, and she currently works as the Writing Center Assistant Director at a small university in western Pennsylvania. Camille's writing has been published on several websites, and she enjoys writing articles and short stories in her spare time. You can follow Camille on Twitter @CamealAshley.