The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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12 inancial Buffalo Evening News Tuesday ebruary 7 1961 Steels Autos Off Business Highlights Toronto Stocks As Lisi Continues 29 h' To Give Ground 2 10 DIVIDEND ACTIONS NEW YORK COTTON UTURES Over the Counter an 663509 shares over the previous an i inf 2 American Stock Exchange A 1 70 79 21 2111 je 15 i tn 160) 39M 18 14 140 36 Bobbi Bks 50 Brat Trac 25a 50 19 20 11 6 a 35 2 19 I 18 Grains Decline 19 17 2944 34 CLOSING PRICES Iron Irem 80 38 2 32 1 25' a 27 82 82 140 New York Bonds 5150 Markets at a Glance i Sinclair i So Pac So Pac CLOSING PRICES BONDS TRADED YESTERDAY 38 1065J 107 106 107 apply 49 'this year Declared or paid alter stock 20)0 i 80 JONES 7 25 27 60 27 12 2 42 10l 20 I lower which sained 33 20 14 19 17 70 30 48 43 21 15 36 33 Named a Director Of Reserve Bank 3 13 3 6 31 57 1 80 Bullard Co Bullocks 140X Bulova 60 Burl Ind 120 Gen IX Geresco 160 Geo Pac Ply Ih Elgin Watch El Paso NG 30b Emerson El 1b Emerson 37t Endicott John EquilGas USX BOX 35 40 30 2 100 21 29 18 52' 54 19 2 26' 29 34 18 54 Starrett 80 Stauffer 1 2CbX Sterl Drug 180 Stevens 150 Stew War 140 40 67 23 91 90 30 59 94 Stoke VC 60b Stone 8 Web 2 Storer Brd 180 Sfude Packard Stude Pack pf Son Chm 150X Stocks Bonds 51 16 63 41 15 5 "3 3 5 51 6 96 3 18' 21 75 176 29 105 82 98 86 94 104 102 5512 5546 51 84 4429 17 I 90 69 42 St 160 2b 160a 52 39 25 34 4 19 33 16 I 184 30 14 8 10 io 6 I 32' 47 491 j8 35 44 16 46 37 23 Signode 60bX SimmonsCo? 40 Simonds 3e Simp Pat 120 Jndar 50gX Singer Mfg 2 60 Skelly Oil 180 Smith AO 160b Smith Cor 94 97 29 37 76 i 12'4 1 30 24 99 21 Quebec Llth Reeves Snd Rem Arms 60e Rio Atgom Rio Gr VG 16 Rogers Cp 62f 781 4 19 5 40 19 33 6 73' 24 17' 204' 10 27' 20' 55 3t 48 2 Nat Gypsum 2b Nat Gy Pt 4 SOX Nat Lead 325a Nat Mai 2 Nat Steel 3 Nat Sugar Ret Nat lea I0X 01 NatVul ib 120 13 Mur 360 46 13 13 55 30 24 100 21 Noeast Airl Oqden Co Oh Brass 2 O'okiep I tg Opelika 80b Pac Pel Ltd Padding A 50b Pall Cp A 30 Pancst Pet Panfep Oil Park Pen Prkbq Aet 378 Peperell 3a Perfect Photo 54 43 34 58 19 105 17 24 o2 23 5 4115 29 38 36 58 42 23 23 15 14 14 35 26 29 34 19 111 35 38 24 43 20 15 55 71 40 80 63 41 27 8 President Snul Isenberg Aulo Sales of Buffalo and George Munn owner of the George Munn Studebaker agency in Woodlawn are among 36 Studcbakcr dealers who have won trips to Hawaii as winners in a company sales con test 68 I 24 23 41 32 40 4 I 14 5 20451 420201 4W030f 4'2005 31 12000 14171 14209 15080 16093 12337 173 54 146 65 lex 240 40a 40 90 47 13 12 mo Dec 81 Per share Sales Champion Paper 9 mo Dec 31 Per share Sales job wt71 Barber l37t Basic Pd 120 Bath Iron Wk 3 120 Bayuk Cigars 2 Beal ds 160b I Beaumt Mill I I Beckman Inst Beech Air 60 BchN Lite 170 Bell 40b Bell Inter 50r Bendlx 240 Benet inan I Benguet Best Co 2 Best Gyp l38t Beth Steel '240 Bigelow San Black 160 Blew Kn 140b Bliss 160 Bliss IE Wl Boeing Air 160 Bohn Alum la Bond Sirs 125 Book 120 Borden 1 50 Borg Warner 2 Boston Edis 3 Bran Airw 30a Bridge Br Briggs Mlg Briggs Str 2a Brist My IOSe Bkly Gas 120 Brown Sh 2 80 Brunswk 40 Buckeye 160 14 36 lOpen Low Close PCI 711'4 171 3'y 713'5'71 1 ip 19 W' 201 I2OI 204V1 55 25 32 48 38 19 38 32 17 29 13 RK 81 RR 84 4 30 125 49 21 14 146 33 14 90 128'4 67' 23 25 7 34 IbX Phllco Phil Morris 360 Phillips 170 75 12 11' i 3 91 37 37 83 54 74 37'4 Monday riday "oofn ago Year ago 72 125 49 16 45 37 23 25 19 44 125 43 46 29 8 31 84 71 2 80 82 22 9 2 i 8 a 10 I 69 1 72 i i 33 36 37 38 19 5 54 45 63 i 42 27 9 11 33 54 76 37 41 39 35 41 17 33 70 40 23 69 57 29 1710 60 72 25 26 13 40 20 59 29 (60) (60) 54 61 25 51 8 56 57 4214 25 32 14 8 31 971'9 98 42 53 45 25 68 56' 4105 9 77 8 34 63 8 14 35 16 17 24 32 22 54 33 64 25 51 39 8 esgeSS 160 SH 31' il 20 I 13'' 39 32 86 19 36 9 13 37 14 50 21 14 22 47 19 33 16 74 24 17 205 102 27 20 51 48 33 55 43 22 152 19 77 33 41 27 36 29 39 2643 22 a 49 76 12 12 67'4 97 9 79 98 97 92 98 55 39 13 10'4 9 42 25 642 47 37 42 36 33 41 15 16 80 54 36 5 20 49 63'4 37 25 5s77 104'9 5S80 104s79 94 3 61 100 3 75 90 99 85 88 i 85 98' 9844 73 120 36 82 169 8 58' 42 25 32 4 14'4 50'4 38 21 81 167 24 4 14 49 38 20 59 39 93 47 99 15 37 41 36'4 58 59 25 77 25 72 28 85 29 54 25 2 23 20 18 55 59 37 18 84 58 SJ 47 1 2 35 54 31 40 34 28 38 8 8 4t) 4 37 39 69 42 56 32 20'j 24 '4 38 104 58'4 9 48'4 51 3'i 85 17 38 4014 67 23'4 89 89 30 39 41 34 39 643 7 48 17 19 35 58 6 80 5 2013 29 12 32 12 78'4 16 22 24'4 46 57 29'4 36 65 37 52 18 80 45 38 36 41' 24'4 639 47 144 96' 91 90 1 8 4 5 17 5 26 95 20 18' 24 45 46 43 55 V4 15 60 19 37 10 15 18 21 13'4 35 16 31 67 33 58 20 45 34 18 9 51 16 63 41 61 105 156 4'4 10 31 25 90 36 23 181 3oy 18 88 stk SO 26 SO 17 16 13 32 67 24 190' 20 35 143 48 24 32 23 50 33 19 14 35'4 34 53 37 50'4 37 48 45 30 12 18 20 33 19 70 5 37 38J 17 50 57 8 58 29 54 1l4 27 76 150 9 75 23 62 28 25 Perk Elmer Pet Milk 80 Petrol Cp 57g Pfaudler UO Pfeiffer Brew Pfizer 60a Phelp Dodge 3 74 45 32 23 19 10) 47 6 13 27 40 5 29 40 15 48 34 35 38 DOW Tuesday 3 PM Menday Year aoo Hah ivetMl Low 19aC1 High 1955 Low 1959 15 UH 107 37 107 75 5 94 10791 8502 94 70 8505 37 16 73 9 531' 56 35 32 2 13 9 33 70 59 94 82 29 82 21 reported today its consolidated net income for 1960 totaled $35 011000 an increase of $3569000 over the previous year This was equal to $224 a share of common stock compared 30! 16 37 40 46 25 592 8 31 21 41 40 35 42 65 32 7 48 17 19 35 58 17 19 61 45 20 59 29 7 235 37 48 44! 1354 6 3 67 3 20 4 3 30 48 25 29 33 54 50 27 23 28'4 9 95 Unit Carbon 2b I Unit 120 Unit Corp 10e Unit 180 Unit Eng I Unit ruit 12g Unit Gas 150 Unit Im 2 40 Un Greenf 110 Unit 1a Unit Shoe 250a US Borax J5e US or 213e US reight 2 US Gyps 2 4Ca 6 17 79 24 74 44 31 64 24 19 10 28 10' 12 4 55 72 41 37 42 36'4 34 SearsR Ac 97SearsRAC4s72 28 76 15V 4 9 75 23 61 26 8 33 32 ournrn i i Sou Nat Gas 2 I Sou Pac 112 I Sou Rail 280 Sou Rail pf 1 S'wesf 92 Spalding 1122 Sparton Cp 20e Sparton Ind 80 SpanChem 140 Spen Kell 80 Sperry Rd 50f Sperry pf 450 Spiegel iSOb Square la Std Brand 160 Std Kolls lit Sdt Oil Cail IX 40 16 15 47 34 35 38 7 28 12 32 12 76 16 22 246 27 52'4 13 The lrewel Co Inc in Check townga received a $123366 con tract for oxygen package units for the Oklahoma City Air Ma teriel Area Tinker Air orce Base Oklahoma 371 40 f9 i 43 56 32 20 20 24 39 70 104 58 23 54 35 31 47 2 Hi 3 66 33 6 20 4 3 1 Brn Prompt M'dns Prompt RM Doo Prompt 3400 10 15 48 34 35 49 7 28 12 32 12 77 16 22 24 47 2 7 37 3 39 46 25' 31 597 690 7 6 66 686 631 656 5 64 5 83 514 534 5 09 514 a 44 454 80! 45 I 38l 64 30 45 50 15 83 145 30 24 100 21 GMofAcc GMotAcc GMotAcc January failures of retailers of apparel and accessories dry goods and general merchandise iocrensctl to 105 from 100 a year inlier Dun Bradstreet said 25 32'j 14 36 82 169 2 40 120 018 5e 2 40X cG 120 ton 2X 12 23 20 56 52 3 5Holhnqer 24a SI' JlHomeOilA 25 70 HnmeOilB 2I ImpOil 1 206 5'e InsNAm 180b 14lntBrew 1 8'ellnlProd 2629 invesRoy 10a 21 Ironirem 80 8'Kaiserlnfl 18 iK'dde 75t iRoosevell 3SI Lawr Cup 17 (Salem Bros Sappti Pel 6' Scurry Rain 27 Seeburq Corp 73 L4 21 46 12 35 22 44 56 53 69 153 32 17 22 94 48 31 56 26 50 51 46 58 21 30 13 18 60 73 25 26 eioiannorv notes i the New York Stock end Awoiet 125t Alan Wood 140 Alaska A ri Allcq Airl Alleq Cp wf Allied Ari Allied Pap Am Sever Am Bonk IJCa Am Electron Am Seal 20r AngAmExpl 25f ArkLaGas I Armour wt Asamera Assd lest Lab Afra 53 Atlas Min 87t 36' i 50 37' Cor 8 Rey 60 Coft Bev 10q Creole Pet 260a Crown 258 Crn Ck In A la Crown Drug Dayeqa Str Monday 3890000 64 76 43' 17 53 34 30 36 9 15 17 21 20 59 29 7 235 15 54 53 22 25 105 8'4 28 54! 11 27 74 150 74 23 61 25 25 24 40 23 69 67 30 '17 40 3 17 31 76 41 105' 360 Pardee 31 Preston 16 PrnspAIr 1938 Provn 56 Oueenston 23 Rayrpck 1212 RIxAfh 29 Sherritt 43 SIIMIII 56 Steep 52 jSulllvan 281 iSylvanite 285'TeckHu BTomblH 199lTrladOl 37 UnOils 54 UppCan 50 Venture 4071 WalteA itownecalU 56 Wllroy 13 Wlltwy 157 YounqHG i 2 19'j 17'4 in 21 12 71 473 51 3 85 17 37 18 34 62 8 25 37 37 48 43J 14 46 37 25 19 40 4 ZO'i 27 55 36 71 11 31 6 52 73 32 68 49 24 4 14 50 38 15 13'4 9 43 69 40 43 50 47 34 54 44 22 150 76 33 40 26 36 2 39 26 43 22 49 32 22 13 55 23 91 38 37 185 30 stk Inc 20 (60) pt JO an 6 pfd 650 Niaoara 10 28 197! 74 18 16 2074 39 27 15 16 83 3574 57 91 49 39 19 59 141 13 30 80 31 21 96 39 275 15 16 83 36 57 93 50 40 19 59 141 13 30 81 30 167 4 37'4 33'4 14 90 129 67 24 25 7'z 17 10'4 30 4 46 79 243 15 55 53 22 25 4 22 44 13 47 37 25 26 29 34 1874 110' 35'4 64 39 53 21 46 12'4 35 22 44 56 53' 69 62 33 2674 7 17 32 75! 4 42 105 100'4 79 7374 21 35 103 47 48 '22 20'4 53 bl 7 3 35 52J4 12 292 64 4974 27 23 18 8 95 11 146 33 14 90 127 67 23 25 7 34 17 10 30 46 78 35 5 17 37 97 47 12 23 2U 56 52 3 35 527 13 uii i cat ri in1 Dynam Am 4 1 An 1l' 3' 8 8 1 4 4014 33 51 18 1674 26 33 34 13 22 20 53 51 3 35 52 13 19 550 127 207 I 12 65 34 400 775 160 23 168 55 270 124 117 3212 605 94 123: 9 98 53 16' 14 18 lint Brew I Prod 621 51 20 26 25 81 8 139 20 a8 32 18 44 69 41'45' 38 34 43 105 61 206 102 2711 40 59 6 13 30 36 23 27 28 17 607 59 18 6 55 13 40 46 43 55 55 15 60 2 45 'j 25 69 57 105 9 13 40 2 36 33 25'4 43 4 24 45 48 28 55 48 51 20 26 26 81 8 139 1974 38 32 18 29 313 26 43 2274 49 3311 33 44 5 15 29 39 36 58 6674 19'4 55 44 35 59'4 19'4 1O6J4 20 56 57? 1274 68 27 36 47 20 46 55 2 19 5 27 56 58 33 47 40 44 32 14 35 23 36 13 27 41 6 68 414'4 39 35 43 105 81 29 40 61 6 13 30 36 24 2874 18'4 60 2 46' 27 79 73 69 21 74 354 102 477 48 32! 43' i 2974 44 20 48 194 Hardline 80b 6 HeclaM 50 130 46' 7 32'4 22' 69' 3 DID riday 458 563 263 1283 Lows 34 93 30 104 35 63 22 47 44 59 94 93 23 83 2 17 6 7 12 13 47 24)4 24 43 19 1 30 31 50 77 40 42 70 54 14 28 53 44 10 7 48 16 71 49? 42 21 52 18 29 25 8 33 31 16 22 93 48 31 56 26 50 49 58 61 45 29 52 105'4 157 4 10'4 40 34 39 64 32 7 48 17 19 35 5Z 17 19'4 61 45'4 29 51 104'4 156 4'4 10 31'4 3 1 II 13 I 43 20 3 68 4l 14'i PSC GXE 3 70 PenPw8Lt 3 Pen RR 5 68 Pen RR Pen RR 4'181 Phlllin x'az Pub SEG 3 63 971 1 StLS 4 20221 70 sconr an ti Sears 4 83 Sears Acc 5 82 SearsAcc 41t72 Sinclair 4 86 69 1 12'11 30 36 24 2674 28 60 33 59 18'4 I Nat Airlines 13' i Nat Aviat 22kg 40 i Nat B'SC 2 80 rai pise pt Nat Can 62t Nat Cash 120 Nat it Lns 8 Nat Dairy 2 Nat Dist 120X Nit uel 120 45 50 154 30 61 74 1 14 1 1 26 20 13 34J 53 36! 50 50 25 81 Pt 525 pf 485 1 00' pt 390 pl 360 pf 340 31 661 30791 3264 43 5 15 14 91 22 85 6374 8 48 32 13 49 45 3774 50 10 32 29 79 Mlg 2 Ai 90X iCPiL 232 AVERAGES 30 Ind 20 RR 44138 645 as 62845 68547 56605 67936 57446 12 32 1274 10'4 30 46 78 35 5 17 38 36 9774 55 19 17 10 50 25 81 774 2974 44 20'4 487 20 17 50 23 33 12 58 39 93 457 46 98 15 2174 53 31 39 28 12? 36 50 48 45 1674 597 1170000 shares Bonds $120000 Stock sales yearao 056050 shares uonas sztuuuu 74 4574 32 64 23 19 107 29 19974 18? 15 21 97 39 15 16 83 36 95 50 40 20 59 141 14 30 81 33 3174 112 Neisncr Bros Inc will extend its revolving charge credit sys tem for customers to Western New York stores effective eb 13 President Meisner said The company's sales in Janu ary declined to $1066166 from $4166221 in the like month a year earlier The company operated 169 stores in the latest month compared with 162 last year 9371 9674 28 37 3 39 46 25 31 590 2 extra 26' 28' 34' 18' 1 0 34' 62 38 23 476 57 12 27 57 139' 38 32 17 67 73 38 34 42 105' 80 28 3974 58 The following to securities on American Exchanges Dividends and an nual rates based on last payment a PI js extra Plus stock dividend Dedared or paid in 1561 plus stock dividend Paid last year Payable to stock during 1961 esti mated cash value ex dividend or ex dis NEW YORK CITY 3s so CORPORATION Allied Ch 78 Am 5 2030 AmOot cv4J0 lO' Am T8T 5 8 3 1 06 cv4'l 73 298 Am 181 J's I Am Tnb 3 62 Am Tob 3 69 Atchison 4 95 AtICstL 4' 64 25 17 Devon Polls OorrOllv 10e Draper 160 1 DuroTest JOd Cp 180 250 1 43 5 15 1474 91 '4 22 85 23 63 8 48 3274 14 49 38 51 1074 3274 29' 7974 2974 24 24 41 32'4 46 26 41 35 33 4 29'4 47 24 43 24 2374 59'4 97 54' 13 40? 47 20 46 56 22 94 48? 31 57 27 50 50 457 68 22 13 18 60 72 25 27 50 155 30 82 15 26 20 13 35 34'4 54 3674 51 67 8 58 42 25' 32 14 36 82J 51 47 33 '2 5474 43 21 74 150 76 33 40 26 36'4 37'4 42? 36 4 41 68 24 91 90 30 31' 52 73' 32 687 48 37 1574 30 35' 23 26 18 60 3314 59 18 95 4 407 54 70 361 4 37 39 16'4 62 61 90 19 42'4 74 44 32 23 30 9 8 40 33'4 50 18 36 17 zg 29 13 I L'pnel The following are prices ol stocks traded up to edition time today and yesterday's closing prices The blank space in the last column indicates that the stock was not traded up to edi jtion time today Where olaak snares occur the hich and low 42' 52 I 55 I 19 2 9 I 1 38 28 87 23 1074 19 574 35 23 36 55'4 12'4 13 47 Grand Un Granite CS Grant WT Gt Gt Ore 225 Gt Nori Ry 3 Gt West C6d Gt West I 56 Grern Gieyhound lb GrummanA I SO I Gulf Mo On 1 I Gulf pf 'Gulf Oil IbX Gulf State Uf Gustin Bac Hall Print 140 Halliburton 2 40 Uamllfna Ua I Hammer 120b Hammond la Hrb WIk IIObX Harris Int 120 Harsco Cp 140 Harshaw Ch I Harf 120 1959 1 XYB 70A i 83 said taxes which reached a new 322281 a high 0 J54 g0ot000i constituted $6688388 the largest single increase in 143986675 prnses 47 37 25 19 407 20 7 27 66J4 36 71 11 14 31 52 73 32 68 49 37 15 VI? 14 16'i 60b 1 40 120 5 83 13 80 86 62 95 68 56 29! 17 3974 3 7 16 31 76'4 41 105 100 78' 737 69 21 74 35 102 48 43 29 20 48 13 40 12 36 33 05'4 25 43 2474 46 48 55 Repub Cp 60 Repub Sieel 3 Revere 2X Revion 210 Rex Drug 59b Reyn Meial 50 j'Revniob 250 Rheem Mt 4 i Rhodesian a Richardsn Richfid Riegel Pap 123 Co 80 Roan Ant Jte Rob ulton 150 Roch Roch Telep I Rock Std 2 3b Pack 80 Paper Co Paper pf 4 Resist 30a Salt 450e Shoe 180 Int Silver 3X LTel I Inter 120b Intersta Pw 95 Iowa 180 lowanIG 190 IsICrkC 150 Bk 15g Lake Sulp et Tea IJ0 Johns Manvll 2 John 1 jon Logan Jones 34! 5V' 59 36 8 56 47 52 43 20'4' steels aircraft 13 22 18 38 14 20 19 25 4374 24' 46 4874 2874 57 49 7 48 4574 30 12 27 45 2514 aQ7 56'4 108 9 Colo 477 CoiumG CnmM Prt 3 77 Con Edis 4 73 H6 Cons pw Deere 83 ntsiUHud A 63 4 6 2042 46 99 29 32 Doug Air cv 4 77 80ij Dow Ch cv 3 82 174 day Selected issues rose Losses of key stocks went from fractions to more than 1 point An assortment of priced issues and others met speculative demand in quite active dealings The general run of autos oils rubbers i missiles building materials and electrical equipment were lower Some higher priced issues took fairly wide losses Texas In strument dropped more than 5 points and Corning Glass 3 International Business Ma chines erased an early loss of about 4 and showed a net gain exceeding 1 point American Stock Exchange prices were irregular Corporate and Government bonds were mixed 35 I 63 38 24 47 6'4 57 28 48 16 72 50 42 21 52 18 25 8 WS'ltwi 31 I 69 2174 35 102' 477 48 32 43 29 44 20 48 40 37 3 3574 25 43 247 46 48 28 57'4 49 5674 56' 1274 36 26 39! 4 5 28 13 27 371 30 9'4 8 40 33'4 50 12 13 24 25 4 19 30 31 74 51 78 40 70 54 34 15 15 1674 81 557 36 5 20 50 65 38 40'4 274 22 54'4 31 40 35 29 12N 36 75 50 48 45 16 59 3 5 13 55 23 90 37 37 36 22 181 30'4 17 87 241 24" 43 13 77 25 51'4 20 16 29 33'4 240 33 26 46 12 20'4 57'4 36 7V 55 72 4074 81 34 591 37 18 84 57" 47 tGenTel 4 71 Goodrich 65 oraur J' 57'z HookerCh 5 84 lUJ'RohrAcv vo HUdW 3 5X" Int Mln 3 65 77 821 LehV 5 2003f 73 ILorilUrd 363 58'4 76 35 88 26 30'4 2254 31 34 15'4 17 81 55 36'4 5 20 63 38'4 25 40J4 2Ei 21 54 3174 40 374 194 20 35 13 48 9 4 49 38! 34 40 4 37 39 69 42 56 327 20 "0 243874 70 58 23 9 50 3 85 17 37 18 474 4044 1574 29 38 35 58'4 66 6774 24 193 2074 35'4 143 48? 9 36 34 36? 0 250 pl 5 26 30 18 16 13 32 1 57' 12 27 5 29 13 27 58 I960 $1 7076 J27 157 327262662 I960 $4 6633893 153884280 39 24 27 55 36 71 11 31' 61 52 7274 3274 68 48 37 15 43 I 12 10 I 54 43 58 19 104 55'4 68 35 A4I 4 Mimi uu i Britiey Sei Banff Oil Barry Wr 10g Reck Shoe 60 Robbie Bks 50 Braz Trac 25q 1 Breeze Cp lOr Br Am 0'1 Brit Pet 29e Brown Co Buckeye Cb 501 Bunk Hill Burma Ole Bussy Bs 50 Calq Ed 10 Cal El Pw 84 Calv Campb Chib iCan So Pet Cdn Javelin 25t I Haveg Ind 60e 24 Mve InH tt Heinz 3 147 Helme GV 160 Hercules Motor Hercut Pd 25g Hershey Ch 3 Hertz Corp 120 Hewllt Robln I Heyden Nt 80 Hill Corp 40 Hilton Hol 150 Hoffnun El Holland ur 60 Holly Sug 140 Homestk 1 60 Honolulu OU Hooker Chem 1 12 13 4774 24" 25 44'4 1 9 17S 311 31 50 78 40 42 72 54 3374 15 29 54 44 10 7 16 72 50 43'4 22 52 98 56 89'4 119 105 I 105 103' i 43 5 14'4 91 22 83 23 63! 7 32 13 49 45 37 49! 57' 13 28 59 13 5 16 32' 67' 33 58' 20 44'' 35 18 9 52 41 15 26! 33A 35 19 337 167i 74 24'4 Exsl SI Co 1 20 Electronic! EmrrvAir 60 EquilvCo 25f Erie orge Esquire 37t Eureka Cp air Cxm 50 renn i rqo Oils elmt Pel 'iInxn Gen 30b Sterl Tlaer 08r ord Ltd 20a Gen Devel'Gen PlvwdBGen Sirs'Giant Yet JOa 'iGtooeun 1 "loi wmino "1 LaK cnem Greer Hvd 24 reeh 128 106 103'4 jl'ilSo Pac 81 87' 94 SoP scOr 77 9 83 83 59 Std 0 Ind 83 102 5IS1d NJ 271 85 10 Texas Corp 3 65 97' 89 US Steel 4 83 Shore 4 2361 55 37 48 43 13 4674 3 25 Oxford Paper I Pac Am ish Pac Coast 1e 39 39 43? 12 21 46 17! 35 Pr Cl High LOW 3 PM 69 94 94 29 83 21 17 6 22 6 22' 37 38 78 9 2 42 31V1I 30 I 16 1 6'41 46' al milling yellow heavy 30 4874 25 29 33 55 50 27 23? 28 9 11 148 33 14 91 128 67 25 7 34 1U 30'4 47 79 4 12 67 23 190' 20 35 143 9 36 3 36 30 48' 29 33 65 4974 27'423 29 13 18 72 2 53 46 12 35 22 b6 52 69 82 33 26 16 37' 23 57 58 76 1'4 71 16 14 13 8 43 69 41 4314 40 33 I Armour wt i Asamer '6 I AssdTesiLeb 10 i AfiasCMin S7t2 AllasCpwl sa iBailevSel Bald Rub Banff Oil 441' Barry Wr 10a Bourlo's Ms i i a i rar 43 I Breez Co lOr 46 Br Am Oil 1 Brt Pet 29e wiiBawn co 8 3' 48 45 32 31 50 77 40 42 72 54 33 14 28 54 XU" 1n i Windsor 60 Winn Dixien 72 I Wise EIP 1 80 iWooawrd 1 60 Woolworth 250 I Worthing 250 Wrigley Co 3a Wyan Wor log tow 1 50 5 YngstSDr la Zenith 160a Pr Cl Hlqh Low 3 30 39 26 427'4 22 49 33 32 22 237 12 39 95'i 45 47 15'4 1 95) 96' 29 37 3 40 46 25' 31 597 ansteel Met lb edders Cp lb ed Mogul U0 ed Pac 80b ed Depl '110 37 enestra inc erro Cp 160 ibreboard 1 ifth Ay Ln i iltrol Cp 130 irestone 1b irst Ch 125? irst Str 2a irsfamer 80 irth Carpet llntkote 30g la Power 88 la Pw Lt I luor Corp ood air lb ood Mkt It ood Mach 1 JO ood Mart 60 oot Mlneial ord Motor 3a orem Dal 75r oster whl 1b rancis Sugar rank Str 80 reept Sul 120 ruehauf 120 81 12 52 42 27 9 11 83? 65 74 37 I I 20 60) (19) I Am Zinc Mb Ampex Corp Amphn Bg 140 Anaconda 25' Anae Cable Anchr U0 Ander Clayt 2 Ander Prl U0 Archer Dan 2 ArgoOil IJObX Armco Steel 3 Armour 140 Armstrng UOa Armst Rub U0 Aro Equipt I Arvin Ind 1 Ashland Oil 1b Ashland pf 150 Assd DG 2 SOX Assc 1 pf 525X Assoc mv 260 Atchison 120a Atchison pt 50 Atlantic CL 2a Atlantic Ret 2 Atlas Corp Atlas Pdr 2J0 Ausl Nich 30r Aufo Cant 60b Avco Corp 50 Avnet El 75t Babbift Inc U0 Bald Lima 60 Balt Gas I Balt Oh 60g Stp 6ug 34 36' fli I Un Pac pl JO Uninn Car 120a 65 Unit Air 50b 72 Unit Aire 2X 40 '1 Unit Art 160 81 Unit Biscuit 1 II rt i i HL 17 19 10 12 I j' Am Chicle 160 ji! Am Cyan 160 6 I Am Distill 1 ArnEIPw 188X iunt Enk Ji Torn (I 1 Am Export 501 2 I Ami Pw 50X fl 1 Am Hrtw 1 nr lAmHmPr3 60n 197 74 19 15 21 95 39 4 15 16 35 57 94 4974 39 191 141 14 30 80 32 31 TEN LEADING STOCKS Sales Close Change JVUIJ 58800 1600 38500 37800 36900 36800 3300 30600 30300 32 28 79 24 23 41 31 40 26 40! i 30 4 45 37' 17 54 35 8'5 i 3'1 Boasberg Coll Niagara SI Lotesrprices Canadlan'Cenls cb 1 INOUSTRIArS 21 2075 RoyBC HKAflnnf bZW LfltnrPW JJ5 MVArirr 11811181 1 BowPapr 750 PaaHer 2500'tnnsC CanBk 400 QueNalG 7251 48 45 30 12 27 27 46 25 108 30 8 8 40' 33 60! 4 Pr Cl High Low 3 PM 20 59' 29 75! 50 4874 45 16 58 3 34 54 59 37 18 84 68 48 51 52 43 3 PM PRICES STOCKS TRADED TODAY 13'CotlBev loo ulCreolePet 25 nominal prices nominal malting 120 123 teed93 105 LOUR EED (SACKS) CARIOTS OR BUALO LOUR EED (All prices nominal per cwt sro am Bak HO Std Bak 1st Clear White rye Med rve Dark rye 6176 Champ 120 58 4 Champ Sp 180 558j Champlin I I Lhance Vgt 1 Check Mntors Chemetron I Chemway Corp Ches 120b Ches Oh a Chi East til Chi Gt West 2 Chi GW Pt 250 Chi MSP 150 55 33 64 25 I Idaho Pow 180 S7S! i Ideai Cem 80 I III Central RR 2 III Power 220 inoiana uen aj Indpls 'VO Indust Rayon Inqersol 3a Inland Stl 160 Inspir Cop 250 Insursh Ctf 60 Interchem U0 Interlake I 1 60 int Bus Mb 3X Int Harv 2 JO Int Harv pl I 160 In' Nickel 160 Inf AcmftWciAero Sup 10t 78 I AArAi 1 Ala Pw pf 420 86 Davidson 5VAlan Wood 140 60 AldJtAO Mill Alleg Airl 207g' Alleg Cn wl 17 Allied Ari0? i Alhed Pap Am Rover A Electron Am i Am Seal 20r i AngAmExpl 25 lArktaGas I Kai Kan South 4 Kan 142 kavser 400 Keiioag Co la Keisev Kenda: Kenne Kei Ke Kei '2 KtmbnyC lBCb '2 KLM Al 172e Koooers 2 '04 i Korvett 3 27 I Kt 20 I Kroger Co 110 IKVP Suth U0 tTveuu pt i jva Weiman 251 '0 Woodall 120b Wright i Ohio Pw 31 68 SoCal Ed 3 65 CHICAGO eb 7 (API Profit selling vhlch ran Into stop loss liquidation in some commodifies look the grain futures market down today Soybeans led the set backs Soybeans were 1 to cents a bushel lower at the close: wheat 2 to rnl Iniiar 11 4a HI Al Trij lUVSCi VUl I' I 4 IU 5 KJ I 1 to Pt lower and rye IU to 2'8 lower Oh pf 4 prices were1WHEAT March May July Sentemher December By thr Asnt'ia(d PrfKi NEW YORK eb 7 stock market continued to de I i uh" cltne in fairly active trading to 'h LV 1HIVU Ml VUIIJ ft Pr Cl Hlch low 3 PM GenMotCp 3 79 flU NYNH 42022f Gen I el 4W77 188 NorPac 4 97 GenTel 4 71 180'ilNorPac 3 2047 4IC U8 VABI I'lTVfAACD 1 Ol ntv 1UKK I IUVJ7 If hiKIXA rul' I iesSve 3 77 CCC5L4' it 77 82 ComwEd 3 77 following over counter orices ot jec*nties traded in Buffalo are obtained from the Buffalo Committee National As tnclatton of Security Dealers Inc and other aources out unofficial uwi dends declared or paid 1960'61 eb? 7 WNY AREA COMPANIES LATEST PRICES Art Metals 125 (59) PAnK OT BTIO 6U OH Barcalo Mfq Co Carhart Photo inc carmocy Connohio Connohio Cooper Crescent Custom Craft Marine Coro Elec Ref Abr 60 an Ene County I A 10 Exolon Co 25 (60) V3 I UN 1 1 1 OH Gen Abrasive 1055 stk (60)! Hard Mfg 20 an 5 $tk (6) Liberty Bank 160 an Lincoln National Bank 40 an I Lnblaw Inc 40 an I Tr 120 an 4 2 stk (61)1 Marlin Rockwell 1290 (60) I Midland Capital A'ooq Servocontrols Inc I Niagara ront Trans 70 (60) I Niagara Meh Tool 450 (60) i Pierce Stevens 64 an Pich Ice Cream 270 (60) I Roblin Inc Schmitt 6 stk4 2O (60) Scott Aviation 10 (60) Simon (Wm Brew 04 (59) Stale Bank of Kenmore 140 an Sterilon Corp Strategic Materials Strong Cobb Amer Inc Taylor Devices Tonawanda Share Trico Corp 250 an Upson Co 60 an Van Dyke 60 an Wurlitzer Corp 20 (61) I OTHER COMPANIES Acoustica Asso Inc I 21 i 23 Alleari Tech inc I 10 I 11 Am Bilfrife 80 2 slk (60) 2PV anew corp 11H 63' Cdn Marc 4134 Carnation 140a a Catalin 05e Inst 30e 834iCen Hadley 1134 tChesebrou 88a 6374 Chief 0'8 Cinerama I Clarost Mt 50f 75' Clay Lam Vi Con Sun Ray 1 Conf A 10g 4 Jg 1 58 25 76 24 72 17 14 9 43 69 41 43 551 33 64 1 Bid lAsked 11 I EARNINGS REPORTS I960 1264434950 I960 $4976000 194 1H09230 186 160 310999000 i zvnh rtie av i i 92 jConsuPw 27 75 B4 i Deere 4'2s83 93 75'e d4s63 99T 4S 6S2042 46 95 4'6 2018 lOOTi'poug AirC 81 j4 I Dow Ch 3SR2 U4 74'7 Erie 4Vjs2OI5f 26i uont Jcc 143 iGMotAcc 106 GMotAcc It' 4 81 39 56 CM5PP 4 94 76 ibrace 110 iNOrSIP ChtNW cv4' 99f HookerC 5 84 I lejOlin i a rac 3Ts8i V'J 82 96j4 56 83 95 95 59 641k 60' 2 7T'4 41 va App Sales "KT Year Ago 1800000 11 1 MlUUJXb 2860000 Sunastrand 1b Sunray 011 132 Sunray pf Al 12 1 Sunsh Bsc 4 0 105 Sunsh Min 20 8 Sup Cal 750e1388 1375 1351 160a Sym Wayna 80 Tandy Corp TelAutograph Tann Cnm 1 xfih I Tenn Gas 112 Texaco 2 60a 74 TexGsTr lSOX 50 i Tex Prod 60 I Tex Gulf Sul 1 4:5 Tex Inslrumfs Tex Pa 120X 43X4 56 52 69k 85 SVC 7 I Hat Cp A 876 44 16 46 37 23 23 57' 58 24 24 71 16 15! 13 9 43 Ml 4 I Hotel Corp Am 43 I HoudaHle In 1b UmH I ru STS Household 120b nOUSl L81' I6U Howe Sound it Hudson 3X Hupp Corp 25t Laciede 105 Lane Bry U0 i ear inc JOX uee Rubber 60 SOe LehlghPC 12DX Lehigh Ind LehVal I pf 150 Lehigh RR Lehman 133g Lehn ink 2 Lerner St i JO LO Gl 240a L'bMcNL Liggett Mv Llgg pt Lily Tulip i Royal Am St Lawr Co 1 Sa'em Bro Sapph Pet Scurry Rain Seebura Co 21Servomech Shaw Wa' 80 jirhoe Cp Am 1 5 iSiqnal Oil A Sp 65V SUV vrx rrev A A I i 4 a vv ''HtrjlSimca 50 JU Simpsons 70 11 Sine Ven OU 147'Sonotone 28 84 So Penn OU 24'lSperrv wt 13'VSfd Metals 12 Chi MSP pf 5' Chi North i ChH ot Ch' Pneu I t20a Chi 160 Chi (ab 50 Chock 40 Chrysler la 150 Clnn Mills 160 CIT in 280 Cities Svc 240 City Invest 50 City Prod 260 City Sfrs 15g Clark Equip lzO CletracCorp 60 Clev Cliffs U'a Cleve Hl U0 Clevlte Cp 120 ClvettPea 275e Coca Co'a 240 jCoIgPalm lJla Col Aik 120 Collins 225L Colo Iron Colo 27S CBS I JOO Coium Gas UO Colu Pict 62f Clou Carb 240 Col SOE 180 Comb Eng 112 Com Cred 320 Com Solv 60o Comw Edis 2b Comptometer Conde Nast Cone Mills Congoleum Na Cons Cigar 120a Cons Edison 3 I Cons El Ind 1 JConsoodslJOb Cons Lau 120a Cons Na 2 30 I Cons Coal UO I Consu Pw 260 I Container Cp I Cont Bak 2 20 I Cont Can 180 40b Cont nsur 2 20 I Conf Mot 10g Cont Oil 160a I Cont Stl 160a Controls Am 80 Coop Bess I Copper Range Copperweld 2 I Corn Prods 240 I Corn GW 150a 11 300 (60) 1106 1111 me i 6234 I I 93J 16 I I 93il I JiSo Penn Oil 2 "Sperry wt Sid MefAis Std Oil Kv 3 25 Av jiiljwi rrec siop anop Sym Way 1 Tampa El Techmco Teleprom Textron Pt Text I no ifcf ThewShov JOe 19 20' 58 39 US Gyps pf 7 '1 US Hollman I US Indust Lines 2X US Pl Crd 110a a I US Plywood 2 OR? US Rubber 220 US Ruh 1 nt 1 US Smelting US Steel 3X US Steel pt US Tobac 120a Unit Stkyd 70 Unif Whel 50a UnlvCYCS 120b Univ Lt Tob 120 Univ Match 60 Univ Oil 50a Upjohn 72 Utah 132 34 62 Goodyear Vlb 8 iGouldNBat 120 25 Grace Co 160b Graham Paige 14 Granby Mm Pr Cl Hiqh Low 3 PM 52 29 ANSON S1IERMXN NEW YORK I eb 7 An son Sherman of Arcade' has been named a director of the Buffalo Branch of the ederal Reserve Bank of New York until Dec 3l 1961 Mr Sherman president of the Citizens Central Bank in Arcade will fm thec unexpired term of Niagara Mohawk Profit Denton A uller who resigned i 3 recently as one of seven branch Rises to $35011000 board members SYRACUSE eb 7 The The announcement was madejNi Mohawk Power Cnrp hoM hw thn Rnarrt of the ederal Reserve Bank of New York SinclarcvBsSi 95 Sxony2'3s76 I So Pac SoPac Or 4' 71 71 66 Vl 60 10'r 90 I 60 173 24' Gabriel Co 3Z'4 23! 4 071 1 Philips El 52 Phoenix Stl A 15g Polarad 9V4 Prairie Oil 834 iPrall 3a 36 Pren Hall 40 283's Pyle Nat 50 912Quebec Lith 39H Reeves Snd Arms 60 I' Rio Alqom 9 xlRiO Gr VG 16 I A 1 26 40' i Temcn 29 Link Belt 240 Coro Ind I Aire i heater Anacor lAumacho lAunor Rxsk Belcher BelhCnn 69 Bicroft Bralorne f'BrltxU 29MioAne 17'cenDRio jot Chealer 43'Chlmo Cochent 7 fConHallo 1631 'ConMarbr ConMarc tConMoa CoD'rand i rjtnnn oetmift Gamble Sk 120 Gar Wood Ind Gardner Den 2 Garrett 2b Gen Accept lb Gen A tv 176 Gen Am Oil 4vb Gen Am Tr 1 25 Gen Baking jO Gen Bakingpf 8 Gen Brnze 50t Gen Cable Cp 2 Gen Cigar I Gen Control 60b Gin Dynamic 1 Gen Electric Gen inan 140 Gen ds UOX Gen Instru I5e Gen Mills 120 Gen Motors 2 Gen Motor pf 5 GenM pf 375 Gen Outd A 130 Gen PorC 120a Gen Pr Eaulp 1 Gen Pub 36g Gen Realty 1e Gen Pub 116 Gen Ry Sig la Gen Refract 1b 41 Gc Steel 160 35' Gen Teleph 6 Gen Time Corp 16 62 ''i i Pillsbury 140 Piper Aire la Pitney Bow 12 Pitts 1 Pitts org 1 32 7 48 cinerama ClarostMt 50f 19 35i ComooSh JO ConMnq 80a (ConSunRay 1 7 Cooperjar 10g iq 61 49 38 34 Dla Alka 180b 40 Die Nalnl 160 Diana Stores 1 37 Diner Club 112t 39 I Disney JO 69 I Dis Seag 120a 42 Dome Mmes 70 56 Dominick 8q 32 i Douglas Aire 20 Dover Corp 20g 20' Dow Chm 149b 24 Dresser I 120s8 i DuBois Ch joa 70 du Pont 75 10 I du Pont pt 450 58 Duques Lt 118 23 DWGCiqar 80 9 47't Eagle Pen 120 50: East Air Ln 1b 3 85 17 16 19 3J i Davidson 66 iOesilu 60 26'Devon Qi's Ollv ICe'iDraper UOa 8 Duke Pw 160 Dunloo lie Duro Test JOd Dvnam Am 1 East Sta Co IP ESta pfA 3 50k 120 6' Electronics Emery Air 60 25 aulty Co 25fErie orae Esaulre 378 jv I Eureka Co 1 airCam 50eil an erm 1 6'i arao Oils I elmt Pct tai ilmwavs 12t inan Gen 30b Sterl Rol nt? ishman 7H ly Tiarr Q8r ord Ltd 20q uller GA i Gen Devel Gen Plywood Gen Stores Giant Yel 40a Globe Ur la Gt Am Ind Laxe tnem Hyd 3 Grid reeh Lamp 5 41Hazel Bish SJT'Hazelflne 80b 6 Hecla 50 Helena 130 Hilton Hot wt Hollinger 24a Home Oil A 25 Home Oil Hormel U0 Hvorade Id Imo Chem 2ie Imp Oil 120a ss 1V4 Container Corp 5 (Per tob in burlap 5urdy Co 60X haqs) i Burroughs I Bush Ter 20dX 5150 Callt Pack 125 Callahan Min 0 Camp 35a Campb Soup 2 Canada Dry 1 Can Dry pf 425 Can Pact 150 Cannon Mills 3 Capital Amins Carborun 160 Carey Phil 160 Carlisle JO Carolina 1 48 Carp Stl 120a Carrier 160 Carter Prod la Case (JI) Cater Trac Celanese 120 Celan cvpt 450 Celotex Corp CentAgr 160 Cen ound 1 CentGa 1 Cent Hd Gas 1 Cen III 152 Cent Rail NJ 43 15 13 91 22 85 23 64 7 48 32 14 49 45 37 51 10 32 29 79 29 23 23! i 42 32 40 26 40 34 295 43a 291 4C4 434 23 8 33 53 8 26 37 14 235 15 54 52 i 3 mo 881 Erie cv 41 20151 21 (trie 3'Y 20C0G 99 3 61 GenElec3'i76 i ipnr rvui i GMO1ACS77 Beth Stl 70 8 GM61AU79 Boetnqev :80 107 GMoAcc 61 Can Pac 4 oerp 77 IgmoIAcc 75 i 2 i GMotAcc 3' CenRRNJ 87 38 GenTel 77 CMSPP 5 2055I CMSPP 4 2044 Chi NW '1W Chi Un Sta 2 75 Cities Svc 3 77 CCCSL 77 OREIGN Austral 362 99' CORPORATION Am Pr203067 Am Opt 4 40 go A i I Am Tob 3 Atchison 4 41 95 4 80 BethStlcv Beinacv4Vj 80 CanPac4 perp anA irlrv X' a lh iCenRRNJS' JU Cheisuj' veu rwqpp 5 90S'f CMSPPCV41 22044 60 48OO5IICan 7124 IJU BHI SW4 TVW 1 (' I 600 QueNalG 7251 mints AND OILS 40 argo 12 athna 2R0 robish HGeco 48 isoMlnes 72 Joliet A2 KerrAd 675 KilembeC 275 LkDuf 125 LanqisSil 550 LatlnAm 26 Macassa 56 Madsen 355 McKenRL xO'MedPef 58 Mldrlm TjNHosco ISONMylam Noranda 42 D'Araqork 19 NormetDelnitft OenMIne 1050 0'leary 100' Dickinson 295 OdCop 'alconb 39i20rchan araday 12Bl Std OU Ky 325e Stanley Av Slerl Prec Stop Shop 40b Sym Way wt Tampa El 72 Technlco Teienrom Textron El Text Inc wt Theijsj thrtu 1 flThritti A 120bITilo Rf 1 Shp 140 Tri Cont wt 1 20 29' Unecell Ch 5J1 UnAircPd l7SIUnif Asb niUSoil 40 69 Un Control 30 35 UtahldS JO Wa 50t VUf QU Waqner Bak Want Bd Wait) Bd pf Waltham Pree Webb pf 1 50k 67' 29 54 $td Ind UCb 11 StdOi'NJ 55gX 27 std Ohio 250 75 Stand Packag 150 Stan War 120 15g 23 61 25 25 Consolidated operating rev sis wooo cnucs for 1960 totaled $299361 compared with $285323000 for 1959 Earle Machold president 3 5 6' 1 96 1100 9 6 63 4 20 56 58 59 33 47 40 43 44 32 14 36 25 37 113 27 41 171 39 Shell Tran 32 Sherat Am 60b 86 Siegler 40b 11 51 48 33 55 43 22 152 19 76 Smith Doug 120 33 I Smith KL la 41 Socony Mob 2 87 Soo Line RR 36 15e 140 So PR Sug 60 11 SoCal Edis UCb 15 ISouthrn Co 150 48 34 29! 45 Getty Oil orp 24 I Gillette 2 50a 43 Glmpel 220 23 I Glen Alden 40 23 i Gldden to 1 Gpebe' Brew Goodrich 220 Seiber Rub 50 Servel Inc Shamrock 160 Sharon Stl 85e Shattuck jCa I Shell Oil 110 06 $2292 056 with $207 a share in 1959 There were 12980340 shares outstand sj86357i jng on Dec 31 an increase of 58 260 36 I Pac Light 240 114 37 Pac Tin 31e 52 In bankruptcyif 4 dr receivership or reorganized unu me Bankrupt cy Act qr securities assumed by such companies Dealt flat Matured bonds negotiability 'moaired by matu rity Puget Snd 156 Pullman 2 Pure Oil 160 Quaker Oats 2 43 iQuakStOil 160 41 30 RCA lb 22 i RCA pt 350 31 Ranco 140 34' I Raybestos 3 0 Raymnd Int 83 Rayonier 80b Raytheon 237t Reading Co Reed Bit Reeves Br 50e 1 xnw VII wu 1 Reliable 120 Relian El 180 4 Relian Mfg Repub Avia 1 54' 2 90' i or Am uh i Rr Pet 79ft iBrown Co 13'4 Buckeye Cp 501 3 i Bunk Hill 1 i' i curma uif Ritrru 1 uno rree Calq Ed 10 17 HazelB'sh' i ct qj 1 04 sj Campb Chib Can JhD Ppt Cdn Javelin 251 wt von Marc Carnation liOa Cenco Inst 30t Cen Hadley ChiefCMng Cinerama PanAmWA 80 Panh EPL 180 Paramount 2 Parke Dav la Parker 150 Parmelee 50a Patino Min Peabody 48 220e Penn Dix 140 1444 penneyJL UUa 4034 pennsalt 60a 62U Penna 1 25 1 7'4 Penna RR 25e Peoples Drug 2 9314 i Peoples 260 30 PepsiCola 1 40 lUb 35H 64 47 60Ti 22fr I Phila Elec 224 Z0'4 21 CASH GRAIN Estimated track receipis tor Tuesday on the Buffalo Corn Exchange were: Wheat 14 cars corn 15 cars (Buffalo cash prices are on a Philadelphia Rail Kaie oasts Buffalo No 2 s'ricHy Quality red Winter 2351'bN Buffalo strictly No 2 4 HfN Buffalo No white R7N Buffs'n No (6 1 10 Bucyrus Erie nominal: feed 108 nominal Chic no 1 Budd 15g Arlree nnminat rt 1 1 I 4 1 160 East Sin Stl 90 Eastman 2a 1 Eaton Mfg 180 Edison 2b Ekco Product 2 Elas Stop lb El Auto 2 40a Ila 151 Elec Stor Bat 2 295a I 39 i 35 1 66! 11 54 I Erie Lack RR 4 i Erie Lack RR pf 34 Evans Products Eversharp 120 Ex Cell 0 150 airbanks UO alrb Whitney Litton Lockh Loews Lone SI Lone St 180 Long I Lt 140 Lvrillard 220 Lou Nash 75g Lou 152 Lowenstein 1 Lukens Stl 25g Mac 40g Mack Trk 180 Macy Stores 2 Madisn 16g MagmaCp 1871 Magnavox I Manati Sugar Manh Shirt 70b Marac Oil 15e Marine Mid 1b Marquardt Marq Cem Marsh id Martin Co Masonite 120b May Dept 220 Maytag 2a MCA Inc McCall 60b McCord 221 McCrory 80 McDerm 60b McDon Air I McGr Ed McGrwH 160a McIntyre I McKess 150 AAcLean JO McQuay Id Mead Cp UO Melville 5 IeO Merck 160 IMesta 250 Metro GM 160 Mid Sou Ut Midi Rosi 3 Midwest 0 105r Miner Ch 50b Minnpls Hon 2 Mnpls Moline 1 Minn 60 Minn Ont 160 43? Mission 1 SDe 673 I Mission Dev xaij Mite Diver 1 I Mo Kan MO Pac Mohasco Monarch Monsanto lb Mont Lit 120 Mont Pow 112 Monfecat 92e Montrey 0 J3y Montg Ward I Moore Me JSe Morrell Mb TAofor Wheel Motorola I MSL Indusl 50 Mueller Br U0 I Murphy 220a Murray Corp Natl Corp 25e Nat Acme 2a Bristol Myers 1 LJBL 22' hare pxii Woodward Iron 12 mo Dec 31 Per share Utah Power 8 12 mo Dec 31 rer snare Babcox Wilcox 12 mo Dec 31 Per share Sales high Jupiter Oils Kaiser Ind I IS I Oftw 7 iKidde 75t Pd 20eMKteln Str 75r Lake Lakey ioe La Land 160a 3 MePSvc 124 273a Mansf Manin wi Massev 40 MeadJohn 120 Mesabilron 3e 120 Mjch Chem a nncn ouqar Ab 60 Mohawk Airl 732jMolybden 5Gt jjMontWdA 7 Moody In of 3 alNat ReH 5'b Nat Telefilm 11 hl J4 1 Un PI Ar 3H NEno 172 LIOCK lrtN Idria 137aNY Hon 140 13 No Rankin zu 33 153b 1040 December QJ 1959 22 21 Natomas 33 Nautec Corp 19' Neisner Br 10g NeptneM 20gX Newberry JJ 2 Eng El 10 Newmont 240 Nwp NS 160aX NYAIrBk I60X NY Central St 2 I pf NY Shipping 120 3 Nla Pow 180 Nia N'a Nia Nia NiaM Niag Shr 120 NopcoCh lb Norf West 4a No Am Avia 2 No Am Car U0 Nor Nat UO Nor Pac 220 Nor Sta Pw 118 Northrop 160 N'wesl Air 80 Norwh Phar IX OhloEdla 148 Ohio Oil 160 Okla 120 Okla NG 140 Olin Math IX Ohs Elev 150 Outbd Mar 80 Owens I 16'i Owns I 2 SOX 47 8 61 93 20 63 97 Pit Metal 1 42 i Pitt pl Gl 220b Pitts Steel Va 64'' Pittston 1200 76 Plymouth O50T 43 Polaroid 20 150X 53 PolomacEPL32 260 180 82 Publicker 50t as 77 35 734 1 KleinDStr 7Sr Sh IV4 Lamson 120 91 4 La Land 1 60a Mansi i jiiMarlin wt if) 'Mead John 120 15HSi8 oil A 80bX j9'4iMerch Refr 0a IS i bHV erk Prec 5 rMesabi Iron 86 Miller 28'Mel The 120 2' Simpsons 70 1 3lJ9orn Sine Ven Oil 2 Mid Ab 12M sgnotqne 23 Mfhhawt Air 4''e ps i 2 Molvbden 50t Moodyln pf 3 25 TV Nat Bell 35 Nat Telefilm Nat Lin Pier Eng 172 43 (JOCK Idria NY A Hon 11s Nipsing Ve'No Rankin Noeast Airline iOgden Corn 1 Oh Brass 2 tOpelika 89b Pac Pet Ltd Padding A 50b 2 Pall Coro A 30 Pi Pancst Pet 3 Panfep Of 1 iPark Pen 1 5 I Prkbq At 27'YPerfect Photo Philips El S' 7 1 Phnom tap) 15g 21' Pit Lake 6 iHoiaraa ti Oh 3a Hail jo Pyle Naf 50 1 9 TTiConf wt irueiem 120 Unexceti Ch Un A re Pd Unit Asb US oil 8 40 usHiinwfc Un Conf rot 30 Utah Id 40 Valsnar 50 Va Ir 501 Waco Aire Wagner Bak Waitt Bd Wait! Bd of Waltham Prec Webb Knaop Webb Df 1 SOk Westm Cl Williams RC Wilson Br Wright BONDS AppalEP 70 SoCalEd 3 65SoCalGat 3'470 31 70 40'y2i 7 i 3834 423 105' '2 81 29j 40 60 6 59 19 1O6' 20 55 57 airch 12 airmont 160 68 amily in 160 35 STOCKS TRADED YESTERDAY 29 Stock sales eb 6Cooper Jar 10g 8'lns Am IBOb 51 105 156 411 1 10 Acme 31 I Aero Sun We 2 30 45 50 155 30 82 14 1 26 20 13 35 34 Artec 0'1 Gas 5 Consol reightvays Cross Co 'h! Tasvtne A I Diebold Inc 60 5 stk ntir irnn i I AHI arrell Birmingham 225 (60) I 39'! 42 Co stk (60)' 6 Guaranty of Phoenix 51 I Haloid Xerox 25 an 77' 80 wanna ma Drive In Homa Insurance 220 an I Hoover Co 70 (60) Houston Corn Jessoos Steel 6" stk (60) Kearney Tracker I Kendall Relinlnn Co U0 (60) I Koehring Co 60 an Lilly (Ell) 2 00 an Lone Star Steel lk 1401 I Philips I OtnS )' Mm psi) it Hiasric wire a table iuo an i 1 PockWell 160 an (61)' Sneer Carbon 70 (60) 18 I Mann Muring a an i Syracuse SuddIv 60 an 1 Techno'rwv Instr slk (60)! Texas East Trans UO an xas Int Sn' him I Time tnc 320 (60) I Title Guarantee 160 an I Tobin Parkino 404 stk (iSI)l Un Tex Nat Gas 40 an I 31 33 Victory Markets 50 an I 10 13 wyckon steel jo tat) Yuba Consol Industries 78 1 Gosden Petr 1 Coty mini 2Ce Coty Incorp Crane Co 2 Cream Wh l60a Crescnl Pt 15r Crowell 1371 Crown Cork Crown Zel 180 Crucible Stl 80 Cub A Sug 10g Cudahy pack Cuneo Pr Curtis Pub Curtlss Wr Curtiss Wr Cutler Ham 2 Dan Rlv 80 Dana Corp 2 Dayco Corp I Daystrom 120 111 Dayl 240 70 Decca Rec 120 125 d7" Co 2 49 Del A Hud 18'e Del 120 Della Am 120X Den RGW 1 DeSoto Ch 15q Detroit Ed 220 Detroit Steel 1 South Ry5s94 Std Ind 4'513 Std Ind Std NJ Tex Corp 3 65 Un Pac 2 76 Un Gas Cn '78 US Steel 4 83 Vanad 4 78 I Pen ti Rl'a IAJ Chn a vizi UHUI (jni a ti on ini 1045 TJLT 134 77 I ben inpj Pen RR 4 65 98' i Pm PD fll 711 Cm Phillips? 4'87 ISO'a PubSEG 3s63 95 Readg s95 IGA Reyn Tob 3s73 Brunswick Am Motors Std Oil Gen Tel El Lockheed Aire Soerry Rand General Electric American Viscose Baldwin Lima General Motors WHAT THE STOCK MARKET Monday Advances 42 Declines 612 Unchanged 231 Total issues 1285 81 New 1960 61 Highs 5 New TOTAL STOCK AND BOND SALES riday 5210000 $6260000 $8050000 DUN BRADSTREET'S INDEX Ot 30 Basic Cammnriitie I lene Hlnni Monday Month ego 26766'Cen SW 102 riday 26914 Year ago 273 441 Cerro Cp 1 Wb STANDARD POOR'S INDEX Cert teed 60 Stocks (1941 4I10) Alr 1425 Ind25 Rr 50 tit* 500 Stk I Chad Gofham' I OXJII 1 6581 61 86 I 5985: i nil ova 3 I AmHospSup 65 Am Ice Co 1b Am Inti ive Am Invest IX 160 Am 160 Am Metal U0 Am Metal Pd 1 im I ArTI Motors 120 Am News 1 Am Optical 2 Am Pholo 75 Am Potash 120 Am Seal 160 Am Shpbld I5h AmSmelt 50gX Am Smelt pt 1 Am Stand Am Stl Am Stores Am Sugar Am Sug pf 330 Arm Tob 2 BOX Am Tob pf 6 I 39 I 42' Am Viscose 2 "hi i Am Wat Wk I io'l in 9 I 10 I 1 3 16 80 54 36 5i Sun Oil IbX 20 Sunbeam 1 40a Wa 6 38 25 40 Van Norman Van Raalte 120 Vanadium 40! 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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.